Travel Diaries | East Coast

Sometimes, you just need a vacation.

I'm at that moment - so, I decided to take a trip to Boston and New York City. I seriously have such a love for the east coast and have strongly considered moving there but as of now - 10 days will suffice.

I'm excited to just take some time to go see museums, eat till my pants can't fit, and explore these wonderful cities!

I have visited before, many times actually but it's always nice to discover new places so I would love if any of you have suggestions for boutiques or coffee shops, restaurants, anything! I'd love to hear it!

I'll be bringing my computer with me - mostly for editing pictures so my updating might be minimal this next week but make sure to follow my twitter and instagram for daily musings.

Happy 2014

Hello hello!

My goodness - doesn't it feel good to write on the first Monday of the year. The Holidays came and went and with sadness, my mom and I have been packing up the Christmas decorations. Until next year, Saint Nick!

I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions - mostly because I seem to fall short of my own expectations and then get angry with myself which is something that I actually do need to work on. I tend to get upset when I don't do what I want to do and end up beating myself up about it instead of trying again, or harder. So, I wouldn't say it's a resolution - more like a goal. A goal to not let the little things get to me, learning to let go and try again. My goals list this year is pretty excessive but my life changed so much the last couple months of 2013, I have no doubt I can accomplish everything I have set out to do for this year.


So cheers to a New Year. Cheers to the goals we have set out for ourselves, and cheers to not letting them take over our lives! Cheers to the lessons that are to come and the growth we will make from them!


Happy New Year darlings, may it be our best year yet!

Any of you set some resolutions and goals? I'd love to hear about them!