Touring the beautiful home of Belgian-born Designer, Raphaël Van Gend.
Take a peek into his stunning home in Brussels.
A beautiful space that's absolutely pristine. For how minimal and white everything is, I somehow find this space to feel very inviting. I could compare it to a Gallery space that reels you into the details of a piece of work. I want to study that sofa, walk around it, take it all in. Although, I would find it too terrifying to actually take a seat as if it were an art piece. However, Gend's studio is another story. I want to touch everything in there. Study the pencil and notebooks he has layed out on his desk to maybe get a bit of a glimpse into his creative mindset. It's truly an inspirational space.
View more images and read more about Raphaël Van Gend online via The New York Times, here.